At the beginning of the work, moderated by the Salesian Cooperator Massimo Melodia, Fr Franco Di Natale, coordinator of the Salesian Family in Sicily, urged those present "to look at young people" to build "a Salesian Family made up of people who are not nostalgic, but on the way to a goal to arrive together; who do not limit themselves to announcing, but who get their hands dirty; disciples of a journey through the prophecy of communion and shared responsibility."
"The Salesian Family is absolutely important for the activities we all do and today Don Bosco is more relevant than ever, especially in the fight against poverty; his example must be a beacon for us to understand that we must continue to be with the young, the least and the abandoned" said Agostino Sella, President of the Don Bosco 2000 Association in Piazza Armerina.
The Centro Orizzonte Lavoro cooperative had the opportunity to present its work and commitment through its Vice President, Dony Sapienza: "The social cooperative, of Salesian origin, is today the operational arm of the Youth Ministry of the Province in the field of orientation and job placement, and contributes to reducing youth unemployment in Sicily and will be able to do even more with the support of the Salesian Family. We can plan and act together.”
Salvatore and Linda Adamo, of the etaCometa" association, which has its specific purpose in promoting family foster care for children at risk, urged those present "not to escape their responsibilities. What can we offer as a Salesian Family if we want to accompany the change and the choice of the future that comes clearly from the young generations? Young people, more than ever, need a family, the natural place of welcome, encounter, otherness and care."
After the group work, which served to reflect and make concrete the challenges launched by the speakers, we met again in an assembly where the SDB and FMA Provincials were entrusted with the task of reaching conclusions.
"We are called, first of all, to give great importance to listening, among ourselves, this will allow us to know each other, to grow in esteem and trust. I also believe that one of the challenges to which together we can give a qualified response is that of emotional and sexual education. The complexity of contemporary society demands a systemic and integral vision that requires us to work more and better in synergy for the present of today's young people", Sister Maccione emphasised.
"Organising hope" is a phrase of Bishop Tonino Bello, quoted by Pope Francis, and must guide our "thinking and organising", our mission that can be "hope" for many young people and adults we meet as Salesians, well knowing that hope with a capital "H" is Jesus Christ and we are sent to witness to it with the coherence and credibility of our life with its particular tone: Salesianity – said Fr Giovanni D’Andrea, Provincial of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Sicily. "My ‘dream‘ is to be able to start a work or pastoral activities in 2025, the Jubilee Year, animated and guided by several groups of the Salesian Family. The way to organise hope is to make the charism of Don Bosco in Sicily still alive and life-giving."
The young people of the Villaurea oratory looked after the music to entertain the participants at the conference. The day ended with the Eucharistic celebration.