This means that even in one of the countries that, according to international economic rankings, is among the most economically advanced states on the planet, in truth more than 1 in three children (36.9% is the aggregate figure) live in poverty (absolute or relative), equal to almost 3.5 million (3,401,754). ISTAT also certifies regional differences, given that these disadvantaged children live to a greater extent in the South (15.9%) of the country, while lower percentages are recorded in the North (12.3%) and in the Centre (11.5%).
“A third of our children grow up with heavy negative conditioning. Italy's sustainable future is at stake. It is time to integrate public and private action in a strategic way, constant over time in support of the many educating communities already at work. Child educational poverty is fuelled by and fuels economic and social exclusion. It is an intolerable short circuit that harms people's rights and opportunities at the beginning of life and threatens the future sustainability of Italy's development ", commented Marco Rossi Doria, president of the social enterprise Con i Bambini.
“We share the concern about the data that give us an alarming picture. The economic and social conditions of many families do not allow children and young people to have access to the services, activities and goods necessary for their development” said Fr Francesco Preite, President of Salesians for the Social APS, the civil organisation that expresses the mission of the Salesians of Italy in support of the pastoral dimension of educational hardship and poverty.
"We, as Salesians for Social Work" Fr Preite added – "continue to be committed to supporting minors and young people with their families who live in situations of social vulnerability, material and educational poverty".
The "Tu X i bambini" programme in 2022 allowed “Salesians for Social APS” to reach 54,190 minors through an investment of 2.5 million euro. With "Tu X i bambini" you can support the Don Bosco Houses, places where poor and marginalised children and adolescents can study, play, grow and have new opportunities thanks to the daily commitment of our educators, volunteers and donors; or the 46 family homes affiliated with Salesians for Social Work: these are real homes where children who have already suffered so much can live with foster parents who give them not only a warm meal and protection but also all the love they need.
Operating through a network of more than 100 local organisations, for over 30 years “Salesians for Social APS” has been able to take care of children and minors who need more help.