RMG - “Do not be afraid of new technologies!”

10 November 2023

(ANS – Rome) – “Do not be afraid of new technologies!” The words contained in the title of this article - the tenth written by Fr Maciej Makuła, a member of the Social Communication Sector, as part of the series of contributions on Communication in the Church and in the Salesian Family - were written by John Paul II in 2005, in the Apostolic Letter “The Rapid Development”.

The Pope, as Fr Makuła explains, repeats this expression four times in the text cited, a text with which John Paul II took into account the rapid development - hence the title - of technologies in the field of the media, and drew the attention of those responsible for social communications to reflect on the challenges that social communications already constituted for the Church at that time.

Over the past decade, dynamic technological developments have created new questions and tasks for the Church in the context of the Internet and social media. Media advances have opened up pioneering communication opportunities for the Church, while posing additional challenges for the Church in the process of evangelisation. Social media and the Internet have become indispensable tools for communication on a global scale.

In the article, the author elaborates and explains the four points in which John Paul II repeats this expression: “Do not be afraid.” It is a message that the Pontiff, in the Apostolic Letter addressed to the Heads of Social Communications, forcefully repeats.

John Paul II’s words about looking with courage and working with new technologies in the field of media can become a kind of motto for many people of the Church in their daily work. Attention to new emerging technologies requires responsibility for the tools used, as well as a clear awareness of what the Church is called to do.

“The future could bring further innovative solutions in the field of social communication and media” writes Fr Makuła. “On the other hand, the elements that help to use new technologies correctly remain constant: training, professionalisation, cooperation and awareness of responsibility for a common goal.”

The full text is available here at the bottom of the page and can be downloaded, in pdf format, in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Polish.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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