With a letter sent on Monday 9 October to all Salesians of Italy, and as a sign of closeness to the Superior of the Salesian Jesus the Adolescent Province of the Middle East (MOR), the Salesian National Office of Missionary Animation in Italy expressed its dismay.
For this reason, it has addressed his thoughts "to our communities in the MOR Province in the Holy Land and to all our confreres, lay people and young people to whom, through these words we wish to be neighbours, to show them all our support and closeness", recalling, at the same time, the bonds of solidarity that bind Salesian Italy to the Middle East Province: "With the MOR Project we have been close to this Province for almost ten years through various projects of economic support and sharing of the mission also with young people."
That is why, in the current scenario, the Italian Salesian Missionary Animation Office is relaunching the idea that "This is the time to make ourselves even more present through prayer ... As a National Office of Missionary Animation, we therefore feel the urgent need to propose an appointment of community prayer to ask for the gift of Peace together, a prayer that we would like to resonate in all our educational settings as a single voice for this conflict and for the other ongoing wars, particularly in Ukraine. So we invite all SDB communities in Italy to unite on Wednesday the 11th, the memorial of St John XXIII, to once again invoke “Pacem in Terris”, celebrating the Eucharist "For peace and justice", or “In times of war or unrest”. At the end of the Mass, we urge you to invoke the gift of Peace with the text of the prayer for Peace that Pope Francis has already used on other occasions."
The invitation ends with an entrustment to Mary Queen of Palestine, venerated at the Shrine dedicated to Deir Rafat.