Italy – The 3rd Seminar for the Promotion of the Causes of Canonisation and Beatification of the Salesian Family is underway

06 September 2023

(ANS – Turin) – The 3rd Seminar for the promotion of the Causes of Canonisation and Beatification of the Salesian Family, scheduled until Sunday 10, opens today, Wednesday, 6 September 2023, in the Salesian Mother House at Valdocco, Turin. The event, coordinated by the General Postulation for the Causes of Saints for the Salesian Family, led by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, will gather over 80 people from fifteen different countries and representing as many groups of the Salesian Family (SF) worldwide. It also provides for the participation, in some of the highlights, by the Rector Major of the Salesians and Father and Unity Centre of the SF, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime.

The seminar, now in its third edition after similar ones in 2016 and 2018, has several aims: one direct aims is to pass on to the participants – to a large extent and in various ways already committed to the care of the Causes of Canonisation and Beatification – a greater awareness and competence in this service that is an authentic ministry in the Church and in the charismatic Family of Don Bosco; and indirectly to recover and spread the attention towards holiness in all its forms and to the people in whom it has manifested itself: as a testimony of the goodness of the Father who made the work of redemption shine in them; as a concrete possibility of living the Gospel, allowing oneself to be inspired by the testimony of the saints; as a profound experience of the unity of the Church, pilgrim on Earth and triumphant, with Christ, in Heaven.

The busy and well-developed seminar program will embrace many dimensions. After the initial half-day of entering into the atmosphere of the work and tracing the fundamental directions for the seminar thanks to the opening Mass, the an address by Fr Cameroni and the introductory greetings by the Rector Major and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother  Chiara Cazzuola (with a video-message), Thursday the 7th will open with a round table that will focus, through case studies, on the experiences of promoting the Causes of the Venerable Francesco Convertini, SDB; the Venerable Sister Teresa Valsé Pantellini, FMA; the Venerable Fr Andrea Beltrami, SDB; and the Servant of God Fr Andrea Majcen, SDB.

The liturgy, the great teacher of Christian life, which teaches the right way for true prayer to the Saints and therefore also the true meaning of their intercession, will be at the centre of the report by Sister Elena Massimi FMA who will present the Missal and the Lectionary of the Salesian Proper, its editorial criteria and liturgical and pastoral use.

The processes of discernment, collection of testimonies and documents, attention to the reputation of holiness and signs that accompany each Inquiry will instead be examined by Sister Francesca Caggiano FMA, in a work session that will also include celebrations on Salesian sites, group work for the collection of responses and a visit to the Casa Don Bosco Museum – and in particular to the area devoted to holiness in the Salesian Family.

On Friday the 8th, the focus will be on a fundamental element in the recognition of holiness, the miracle. First, an address from Father Sergio La Pegna, member of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints, will illustrate the scientific and theological elements required for ascertaining an alleged miracle; then, from theory to practice, he will share the experiences inherent in the miracles or the alleged miracles in the Inquiries for Saint Artemides Zatti, SDB; the Venerable Camille Costa de Beauregard; Blessed Maddalena Morano, FMA; Blessed Maria Carola Cecchin; and Blessed Sister Maria Troncatti, FMA.

A reference to the spiritual and divine element behind every miracle will then be made thanks to the report on Holiness as "the work of the Holy Spirit", by Dr. Lodovica Maria Zanet, collaborator of the Salesian Postulation.

Saturday the 9th will involve participant in visiting the living presence of the early figures of holiness in the Salesian Family with a pilgrimage to Colle Don Bosco and Capriglio, as well as an in-depth study, in the light of the theme of the Strenna for 2023, on the lay dimension of Salesian holiness, thanks to the figures of the Servants of God Akash Bashir and Vera Grita, and martyrs Simão Bororo and Alexandre Planas.

The last day, Sunday, 10 September, will have its spiritual culmination in the Eucharist celebrated by the Rector Major. There will be a specific presentation of the figure of the Servant of God Fr Luigi Bolla, SDB, and a summary of the entire journey over these days, thanks to final addresses from Fr Cameroni and Fr Á.F. Artime himself.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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