India - Corporate Social Responsibility Conference for Sustainable Development’ with 100 INM and INT Salesians and Women Religious and Lay Collaborators

29 August 2023

(ANS – Chennai) On 25 August 2023, a two-day training programme on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development’ was initiated with 100 INM and INT Salesians and Women Religious and Lay Collaborators at the Citadel by SURABI. This effort of promoting CSR as a powerful driver of positive change, a catalyst for innovation, and as means to foster collaboration between business, Governments, and the Civil Society was very much welcomed.

This programme was supported by BoscoNet, Delhi that insisted on the need for our credibility, accountability, sustainability and impact reflection. Fr. L. Don Bosco, the provincial of the province of Chennai inaugurated the maiden CSR Conference on coordination and partnership to celebrate to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in an ethical and Salesian way. The Annual report of SURABI, the INM Province Development Office, 2022-23 was released in the event. The second day of the event had 5 panelists from various corporates and foundations to give their insights and thoughts on the process of CSR Fund Raising and dwelt on major themes like education, environment, livelihood, skill building and volunteer engagement.

Mr. Nikhil Pant, the founder of Lakshyaa, Delhi, an experienced Resource person, explained the Concept of CSR and Section 135 Companies Act & Compliances. He heighted the Triangulation between the mandates of the Applicant, the Concerned CSR company and the Government Directives. The importance of having 12A and 80G as a pre-requisite to obtain CSR Form 01 was also highlighted. It was an eye opener for the participants on the nature of formulation of CSR policy, procedure, execution, reporting, evaluation methodology etc.

The participants learned the importance of giving due importance to the stakeholders, and were given practical guidance to identify potential donors among CSR partners to sustainably continue our holistic empowerment initiatives effectively and efficiently. Kudos to all those who maximised this learning opportunity. This event was organised by Fr. Joseph Leo, Director of SURABI and Fr. Santhanam SDB, Director of BoscoNet and in association with Lakshyaa, Delhi.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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