Syria – Salesian aid in Syria since the earthquake last February has reached thousands of families

15 June 2023

(ANS – Aleppo) – Four months after the earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria, thousands of people are still living on the streets. The consequences of the powerful earthquake have been aggravated by the state of decay many buildings are in, due to 12 years of civil war in the country. From the beginning, the Salesians of Aleppo opened the doors of Don Bosco House to help the population. Salesian solidarity in the world has allocated almost 2.4 million euro for the emergency projects developed so far. During this month, most emergency projects will come to a conclusion to make room for reconstruction, educational projects and summer camps for children and young people affected by the earthquake.

“The situation is calmer now. The need is still great, but in these months we have helped many people” the Salesians from Aleppo report. “Emergency projects will end this month to make room for reconstruction and other educational and care projects for children and young people. We continue to work on psychological assistance and overcoming trauma ” they explain.

Thanks to the solidarity of Salesians around the world, so far almost 2.4 million euro have been allocated for the earthquake emergency in Syria. Misiones Salesianas the Salesian Mission Office in Madrid, has alone sent more than 400,000 euro for essential projects and to help the displaced population. “In Syria we find ourselves in a situation of critical poverty due to the war and the earthquake”, reports Mateo Colmenares, a young Salesian volunteer stationed in Aleppo. “The basic salary in the country is 150,000 lire (55 euro), but two hours of light a day for a week costs 100,000 Syrian lire.”

The aid given over these months covers all types of aid, from the reception of almost 800 people at the Salesian centre in Aleppo, to the distribution of daily food during Ramadan in the most remote villages, to the repair of damaged houses and academic assistance to young people, to the distribution of vouchers for food, electricity and basic necessities.

In detail: “The delivery of a monthly economic voucher of almost 400,000 Syrian lire to 224 families; the assistance with engineers and labourers to 40 families for the reconstruction of their homes; help got 116 families with a single voucher for electricity of 400,000 lire; the distribution of vouchers for purchases worth 300,000 lire to 220 needy families”, the Salesians testify.

But Salesian aid to the earthquake victims went much further: “We helped 300 families with the purchase of medicines and another 100 people with health advice (mainly cardiologists and ophthalmologists). We have also provided school assistance to children between 10 and 16 years of age thanks to our youth centres, helped 900 children and university students in our settings to pay school fees, and supported 600 children in obtaining school supplies ”says Mateo Colmenares.

A few weeks ago, thanks to an agreement with a shoe factory, the Salesians distributed 800 pairs of shoes through a voucher for people in need in the city. “In addition, for two months we have provided food to 300 people in Kafroun and we are currently distributing 450 vouchers to do shopping at the market,” the Salesians added.

In the coming months they will be busy setting up summer camps for children. More than a thousand children will be involved. A Salesian theme is envisaged, designed to help them overcome psychological traumas. They will receive completely free transport, food, snacks and teaching materials.

Even after all these efforts, the Salesians have no intention of slowing down: “We will continue with educational projects and give priority to teaching languages, because 90% of young people leave the country: boys, to avoid military service, which can be indefinite and take them to war; and girls, because they do not have professional opportunities in Syria.”

Source: Misiones Salesianas


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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