Rita Esteves, the young woman responsible for the SYM Day team, says that it is “a great celebration that brings together the various Salesian presences from around the world in the same space.” While for Sister Diana Arrobas (FMA), who is also responsible for preparing for this day this day, the important thing is that Don Bosco is “at the heart of it.”
This day will be one of the highlights of the SYM's involvement in the 2023 Lisbon WYD and will be divided into three main occasions:
This will be a moment of encounter with the Rector Major of the Salesians and with the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, as well as with other leaders of Salesian Family Groups. During the meeting, which will take place during the morning at the Salesian House in Lisbon, the young representatives of the various countries will be invited to reflect on and discuss the themes that Pope Francis has set in the context of this WYD 2023, integrated into Salesian youth spirituality.
There will also be time for questions that can be addressed to both the Rector Major and the Mother General. At the end of the meeting, a message will be prepared for SYM young people from all over the world.
This opportunity for young people to be at the forefront will end with the Eucharistic celebration, which can be followed in live streaming.
SYM Festival
This great celebration of youth, with the theme “COME, LIVE, PROCLAIM”, will take place at the Salesian House in Estoril, starting at 3:00 pm, and will bring together young people from the SYM from different countries.
Also intended for all the members of the Salesian Family attending the Day, this special moment will feature joy and fellowship, music and animation, in the typical style of an Oratory in celebration.
The team that is preparing for this time of celebration is working with about 500 volunteers who will be involved in preparing dozens of games. There will also be several pavilions where different countries can offer a presentation/game from their country, as well as a stage where various items prepared by the participating countries will take place. During the afternoon there will also be spiritual accompaniment and time and place for confessions.
A rosary for vocations - which can be followed in live streaming - will be said at 5 p.m. As requested by Pope Francis, “Our Common Home” will also be the object of attention. Therefore, the plan is to plant trees (one for each nation involved) in the school garden.
The night vigil - which can be followed in live streaming, too - will take place from 9:00 to 10:30 pm, and will be a time for prayer and Eucharistic adoration, to celebrate the richness of Don Bosco's charism with gratitude, strengthening young people as witnesses of Jesus. The Vigil will have a charismatic theme focused on Mary and Jesus.
The traditional Salesian Goodnight offered by the Rector Major of the Salesians and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians will close this very special day.
For Fr Diogo Almeida (SDB), who is also a member of the team preparing SYM DAY, young people can expect “a great day of celebration”.