Italy – CNOS and CNOS-FAP officers renewed

18 May 2023
Fr Elio Cesari, SDB

(ANS - Rome) - In accordance with the Statutes of the Conference of Salesian Provinces of Italy (CISI), CISI President and Councilor for the Mediterranean Region, Fr. Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, and the members of the CISI Presidency, have deliberated on the positions to serve the Salesian communion and mission in Italy for the three-year period 2023-2026: Fr. Elio Cesari has been appointed President of the National Center for Salesian Works (CNOS) and Secretary General of CISI; Fr. Giuliano Giacomazzi has been appointed Director General of the National Federation of the National Center for Salesian Works - Formation and Professional Training (CNOS-FAP).

CNOS is the civilly recognized ecclesiastical body that represents the Salesians in Italy, promotes and animates the Offices, Centers, and National Associations for the coordination of Salesian Works. It operates following the indications of the CISI and in synergy with the Salesian realities present on the Italian territory.

The CNOS-FAP Federation coordinates the Salesians of Italy committed to promoting a service of public interest in the field of Vocational Orientation, Training, and Professional Development with the educational style of Don Bosco.

"To Fr. Roberto Dal Molin, hitherto President of CNOS, and Fr. Fabrizio Bonalume, hitherto Director General of CNOS-FAP, and who now conclude their service at the National Center in Rome, goes all our gratitude," the CISI Presidency said in a statement.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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