Vietnam – Resolutions of the Asia Oceania Regional Meeting for Past Pupils of Don Bosco

18 May 2023

(ANS – Dalat) – During the Asia Oceania Regional Meeting held by the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco in Vietnam on the 14 and 15 May 2023, the participants from eight countries drew up a resolution following reflection and an open discussion between them.

The resolution highlights the importance of journeying together with the World Presidency to share the same mission, vision and objectives by focusing on the Strategic plan of the World Confederation. They are committed to work together to increase the participation of more past pupils and friends of Don Bosco especially through education and formation to become more active members of the Salesian Family in all levels. While acknowledging the differences, the resolution underlines the commitment for the past pupils and friends of Don Bosco to celebrate the richness of diversity.  To animate the region, the participants highlighted the need to strengthen the communication between the World Confederation and the National Federations and to design projects that strengthen the Asia-Oceania region with a special focus on the movement of youth in the region.

Reflecting on the conclusions of this Regional Meeting, the World President Mr. Bryan Magro stated: “This Regional meeting is an important historic event for the World Confederation as it is after an absence of four years of in person meeting between the World Confederation and the National Federations of this region due to the covid pandemic.  There is no doubt that this meeting and its resolution has confirmed the past pupils and friends of Don Bosco have survived the pandemic and the regional meeting has been an affirmation of the vibrance of the activity of National Federations in this region. Moveover, the National Federations have affirmed the need to journey together as a region and commit themselves to fulfilling the goals of our world organisation.”

The World President expressed his satisfaction that in his meetings with past pupils around the world there is a willingness to re-energise and invest in the organisation by focusing on the priorities and working together in synodality to achieve the mission of the association not only on a national level but also on a regional and world level.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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