Venezuela – St. John Bosco Temple of Valencia consecrated

07 February 2023
Fotos: Jacinto Oliveros

(ANS - Valencia) - The consecration of the Temple of St. John Bosco in the Venezuelan city of Valencia took place last January 28 in an atmosphere of joy and great participation, in the presence of more than a thousand faithful. Msgr. Pablo Modesto González Pérez, SDB, Bishop of Guasdualito, was also present at the event.

From the early hours of the morning, the six pastoral areas that make up the parish community gathered on the main avenue of La Bocaina, from where they departed, accompanied by the rhythm of the "Don Bosco" School Band from downtown Valencia. Upon arrival at the "Monsignor Arocha" Youth Center, the crowd was greeted by the "YMCA School Show Band," together with the youth of the parish's youth ministry.

In his homily, Msgr. Pérez recalled that the relics of St. Desiderius and St. John Bosco will rest in the Temple. He later retraced the life and martyrdom of the young St. Desiderius, stating: "his story reminds us of the nascent Church committed to the point of giving its life, an inspiration for the Church that we must consolidate here in Valencia. By deepening our faith, we consolidate our works and become a parish, a sign of dedication."

The ceremony, moreover, was an opportunity to highlight the path taken by the various priests who have dreamed of building this church for 52 years. For his part, Fr. Rafael Montenegro, Superior of the Salesian Province "St. Luke" of Venezuela, acknowledged and extolled the work of each of them, addressing a special thought to the late Fr. Bruno Masiero.

In conclusion, the parish priest, Fr. Rafael Andrés Borges, read his thanks to all the faithful, benefactors and friends who collaborated in the construction of the Temple and who are still engaged in the final stage of its completion.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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