According to what was shared by Fr. Alejandro Guevara, World Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) and Coordinator of the SFSD, the participants officially registered for the Days - to be held in presence in Turin-Valdocco - are 277, representing 17 groups of the Salesian Family and coming from as many as 41 different nations: a small, but valid representation of the variety and globality of the religious family originated by Don Bosco and today present all over the world.
Some of these participants began arriving in Valdocco early in the morning, several hours ahead of the schedule for the event’s official opening. Thus, in a cold but sunny Turin, it was possible to meet in one of the various courtyards of the Salesian Motherhouse, Rita Sofia Utzeri, Coordinator of the Witnesses of the Risen One, - XX group of the Salesian Family. "My expectation is to return with a load of joy and experience to share with those we meet in our daily lives," she says.
Sister Anna Biała, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), arrived at SFSD together with a group of FMA Past Pupils and Don Bosco Volunteers (VDBs) - VI and VII groups of the Salesian Family, respectively - from Poland. Regarding the experience that is about to begin, she has no doubts: "I’m sure we’ll be able to live days of fraternity, in an atmosphere of family, hospitality, and welcome."
Finally, Sonia Guglielmo, layperson, Salesian Cooperator who came from Lombardy, focuses her hopes on the theme of the Days, and expressed herself as follows, "I expect above all some indications, for us lay people, to live spirituality in the world." At the same time, she, too, already knows that the "Salesian climate" is not a mere corollary of this experience, but an element that permeates it deep inside. "There will certainly be so much joy and so much relationship, which is always an immense joy!"