This is another large organization which has been studied by the Council of nine Cardinals (C9) for about three years. It brings together the following Pontifical Councils: the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, and the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers. The new Department will start work from 1 January 2017. On that date these four Dicasteries will cease exercising their functions and will be suppressed,
Within the new Department there will be a section totally dedicated to migrants "placed ad tempus directly under the direction of the Supreme Pontiff", as stated in art. 1 § 4 of the Statutes. This is in keeping with an unpublished decision that goes back to the reform of the Roman Curia desired by Blessed Paul VI, when the Pope kept for himself the prefectures of the Holy Office (now the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) and the Congregation for Bishops.
A note from the Vatican press office points out that this section is intended primarily " to express in a special way the concern for refugees and migrants" of Pope Francis who made hospitality and closeness to refugees one of the key points of his pontificate." Nowadays there cannot be a service to integral human development without special attention to the phenomenon of migration" that currently affects Europe and especially Italy.
"In all her being and actions, the Church is called to promote the integral development of the human person in the light of the Gospel” says the Motu Proprio, approved - with the Statute, ad experimentum - by Pope Francis on 17 August, on a proposal from C9. “This development takes place by attending to the inestimable goods of justice, peace, and the care of creation." says the text. The aim of the new dicastery is to ensure “that the Holy See may be solicitous in these areas, as well as in those regarding health and charitable works.”
The document continues - "This Dicastery will be competent particularly in issues regarding migrants, those in need, the sick, the excluded and marginalized, the imprisoned and the unemployed, as well as victims of armed conflict, natural disasters, and all forms of slavery and torture.” All topics will be examined "in the light of the social doctrine of the Church," as the Statutes emphasize. To this end, the Dicastery "will maintain relations with the Episcopal Conferences, offering its cooperation to ensure that the values relating to justice, peace and care of creation are promoted."
In addition to that on migrants, the new Department will include the Commission for Charity, the Commission for Ecology and the Commission for health care workers." These will act according to their rules and will be chaired by the Prefect Cardinal Turkson, previously President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Source: Zenit