The work with refugees from Sudan began in 2000 when some of them arrived at the public church animated by the Sons of Don Bosco seeking the possibility of celebrating the Eucharist in the Latin rite. The Salesian community of course welcomed them with open arms. Initially, it was the Comboni Fathers who were responsible for working with the refugees, but gradually they handed over the entire apostolate to the Salesian community. A few years ago, moreover, the Salesian church was elevated to the status of a parish, and it thus became a place for the Sudanese community to celebrate baptisms, marriages, and other sacraments. Today, Zeitun is one of five centers for Sudanese refugees run by the Catholic Church in Cairo.
Since space is very limited, the "Don Bosco Oratory" organizes activities for them three days a week, thanks to the collaboration of Sudanese animators. The oratory is attended by an average of 250 children; the mothers of the Oratory youth also have their own meetings; some of the adults going to Zeitun got to know Don Bosco in Khartoum or through the Salesians active in Sudan. On the other three days when it is not working with Sudanese refugees, the Zeitun Oratory organizes activities for as many youngsters from the neighborhood.
During the meeting with the center's animators, young people from both Egypt and Sudan, Fr. Maravilla encouraged all of them in their missionary service to the oratorians.
The two Sunday parish Masses, just before noon and in the late afternoon, are animated by the Sudanese community and are attended by large numbers of Sudanese Catholics - up to 3,000 faithful during the main feasts. During the Mass he celebrated for them, Fr. Maravilla thanked the Sudanese refugees for the vivacity of their Christian faith and encouraged them "to keep faith in Jesus Christ alive, the source of our inner strength in the face of life's trials and problems."
Fr. Maravilla also encouraged parents "to share faith with your children and send them to the Salesian oratory, where they can grow in faith and learn skills to integrate into Egyptian society."