The session opened with the intervention of the consultant and expert collaborator of the General Economer's Office, Dr. Janko Jochimsen, who made a speech on "Resources to Guarantee the Mission," outlining the challenges that now await those present upon their return to their respective locations, the path still to be taken for the future and the tools to achieve it.
Fr. Rafael Bejarano, Head of Salesian Works and Social Services, then moderated a panel discussion in which, in addition to the Rector Major, Cinzia Arena, World Administrator, and Sr. Ena Veralis Bolaños, General Economer of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, also took part.
Responding to the moderator's various questions, Dr. Arena stressed the need to make a paradigm shift from today's utilitarian conception of the economy to one that puts the common good at the center. Then, also praising the choice of themes of the previous days and the contributions exposed, she remarked how important it is to continue to accompany young people in worlds and realities, such as those of Artificial Intelligence or the Deep Web, where they already find themselves, however, often alone and without references. Moreover, she also mentioned the importance of offering young people credible and responsible adult role models.
The General Economer of the FMA, for her part, focused on the economy as a fundamental dimension of everyone's life, why she insisted that economic administration and management cannot be delegated exclusively to the Economers. "Administration is about the assets of the mission, therefore, it is up to everyone," she noted. Thus, she also underscored the need to rethink the formation projects of religious with more attention to the economic theme and identified some attitudes to be abandoned: indifference to the economy, as well as, on the contrary, service in the economy lived as a power to wield.
Finally, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, speaking from his experience of 9 years as Rector Major and his travels to 108 nations and all the Provinces, recalled how all the service of the administration is always aimed at the mission for young people and their fulfillment as persons, as honest citizens and good believers. "We are not entertainers of young people. All our facilities must work to prepare young people for life, otherwise, we are not completing the Salesian mission (...) Our houses are not to hold young people, but to strengthen their personalities."
He reiterated the watchword of transparency and noted that the challenge of work today is a global phenomenon. He also highlighted the spirituality and Salesian sensitivity of the person of the economer as a central element for the proper management of houses, provinces, and the entire Congregation. "Everything passes through the heart: we do not need Economers who do not have a heart that suffers together with the young. When there’s a heart, the Economy is at the service of the mission."
Casting his gaze at the sculpture of Mother Margaret present on the stage, he said that Don Bosco's own mother possessed that very heart needed by the Economers. And while it is true that many more steps still need to be taken, an important journey has already been accomplished in recent years.
He concluded by inviting us to trust in God: "The more generous we are in our ministry, and I think of Mother Margaret and Don Bosco, the more Providence will be with us."
In his closing remarks, Br. Muller, in addition to thanking organizers and participants, urged everyone to treasure what they experienced at the Congress. "The future is uncertain, but our network is a rope to hold on to when you are in trouble...Let us stop thinking locally and regionally, and let us invite and listen to young people in our meetings and at our gatherings," were his final words to those present.
Finally, the last event of the congress was the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime at the parish "St. Mary of Hope," adjacent to UPS.
To watch the day's presentations and/or the coverage of the entire event, simply follow the "SDB Change Congress" Facebook page.