RMG – The Season of Creation is about to begin: from 1 September to 4 October a special time to care for Creation

12 August 2022

(ANS – Rome) – The Pope invites us again this year to celebrate the Creation and to pay attention to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor. The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family in the world unites to pray and protect our common home, the Oikos of God. The Time of "Celebration" begins on 1 September, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the ecology, loved by many Christian denominations.

In this year's message, Pope Francis writes: "It is a special time for all Christians to pray and care for our common home together. Originally inspired by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, this time is an opportunity to cultivate our 'ecological conversion', a conversion encouraged by St. John Paul II as a response to the 'ecological catastrophe' foretold by St. Paul VI already in 1970" .

During the Season of Creation, prayer and common action can help us hear the voices of those who have been silenced. In prayer we mourn the individuals, communities, species and ecosystems that have been lost and those whose livelihoods are threatened by habitat loss and climate change.

Theme 2022

The Laudato Si' Movement guides us in reflecting on the theme that this year will be "Listen to the Voice of Creation": "During the pandemic of COVID-19, many have become familiar with being silenced in conversation. And many voices have been silenced as well in the public discourse on climate change and the ethics of Earth conservation: these are the voices of those suffering the impacts of climate change; the voices of people who hold generational wisdom on how to live gratefully within the limits of the Earth. It is the voice of the Earth. The theme of Season of Creation 2022 raises awareness of our need to listen to the voice of creation."

Listening to the voice of creation offers members of the Christian family a rich entry point for interreligious and interdisciplinary dialogue and practice. By listening to the voice of all creation, human beings from all cultures and walks of life can join in our vocation to care for our common home (oikos). As Salesian provinces and works we are all invited to take part in the celebrations. In the coming weeks, the Youth Pastoral Sector of the headquarters will launch a new document for the whole congregation and some concrete proposals, but in the meantime you can start thinking about it: to find out more: https://seasonofcreation.org/

You can also download the guide to the celebrations in various languages on the following links:

ITA: Guida alla celebrazione 2022


ESP - Guía de celebración 2022 


FRA - Guide de Célébration 2022

ARABIC- موسم الخليقة 2022


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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