The meeting, open to all, even those who had not participated in the previous formation process, was attended by members of different Salesian presences and began with a welcome and a moment of prayer based on the Word of God. Afterward, members of the Texas Group - founded by Salesian alumni, whose mission develops "art as an expression of the Salesian style" - led the first part of the day, performing some of their emblematic Salesian musical themes, such as "Sistema Preventivo al corazón," "Dar," and "Algo nuevo en mí," while encouraging reflection and interaction among participants.
Next, a question-and-answer game was offered in groups, with themes alluding to some of the concepts addressed in the training previously offered.
After a short break, it was time to establish contact via Zoom with Salesian Fr. Vojtáš, Vice Rector of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome, an expert in the area of educational planning and leadership.
In impeccable Spanish, Fr. Vojtáš developed the theme “Leading a Renewed Salesian Pastoral Educational Experience.” Creative fidelity, personal discernment, operational coherence, systemic generosity, generative dialogue, and synergistic integration were some of the concepts the Salesian expounded in the development of his presentation that were new to most of those present.
At the beginning of his presentation, the Salesian stressed that leadership involves "the harmony of being a leader of oneself, and afterward of others." Then he emphasized that in planning one should tend to make decisions after taking the time to pause, a pause in which discernment is made by bringing into play freedom of choice, a certain way of doing things, the capacity for imagination, and the voice of ethical conscience. He then encouraged "to be faithful to reality, but not in a mechanical way and without freedom, but in a creative way."
From the perspective of operational consistency, the expert encouraged those present to distinguish between dreamy and voluntaristic energies in planning and warned against the threat of falling into "soulless" activism. He also urged participants to reconcile the logic of the compass (which orients) and the logic of the clock (which marks time), seeking the intersection between the two on a daily basis: to have the space to address important but not urgent issues (formation and growth, planning, relationship care, new opportunities, subsidiarity...) but without wasting time, which is possible with freedom and discipline.
The speech by UPS Vice Chancellor marked the conclusion of the formation that began in 2021. Following this, the ISF Director and Provincial Delegate for Formation, Fr. Sebastián Ferreyra, thanked the participants for the morning of prayer, reflection, games, and formation and announced that a new training course on organizational communication and digital marketing will be offered between October and December, as well as an introductory course for those who are entering Salesian presences in the country.
In the afternoon, only the participants of the formation session continued to meet, who, after meetings held in four different locations in Montevideo and the interior of the country, focused on the development of an "Animation Plan" aimed at encouraging and accompanying the participants to dialogue with the educational-pastoral practice of the work wherein they operate, through an intervention project with clear charismatic references and that knows how to inspire community learning and innovation.
The meeting was, thus, also an opportunity to compare, review and discuss the different animation plans that have been developed and implemented.