With great joy, the Rector Major welcomed the proposal of these confreres to have a moment of formation and sharing on the Salesian presbyter, and with great paternity he addressed the young confreres preparing for the priesthood through the study of Theology, resuming his initial thought.
He urged young people in formation to know how to shape their hearts like that of Don Bosco, who was a priest when he celebrated Mass, when he was in the oratory among children, when he heard confessions, when he dreamed and when he wrote. He went on to say, "But the heart of the priest Salesian must be a heart warmed by love for young people to succeed in bringing young people to an encounter with Jesus. And do not forget to be generous, give yourselves as Jesus and our Don Bosco did, and you will always be happy, I guarantee it."
With true paternity he listened to the testimony of all ten confreres, advising each of them. On leaving, he complimented them all as each of them wore the Salesian cross. "Always wear it!" he urged them.
After a moment of celebration and fraternity, the Rector Major, greeting and thanking the confreres, left other words of encouragement: "Please, dear confreres go forward: take courage, do not be afraid. Courage! Always be happy, as our father, Don Bosco, wanted us to be."
The confreres also took the opportunity to pay a visit to the Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, who spoke to them about the beauty of Salesian holiness.