In the 28 meetings that Fr Á.F. Artime and the General Council’S other members had during this time, eight Provincials were appointed:
- The first Provincial of the new Province of Africa Nigeria Niger (ANN), Fr Jorge Mario Crisafulli;
- The first Provincial of the new Province of Africa North West (AON), Fr Jésus Benoît Badji;
- The first Provincial of the new Province of Africa South West (AOS), Fr Kolotcholoma Denis Soro;
- The new Provincial of Brazil-Recife (BRE), Fr Francisco Inacio Vieira Junior;
- The Provincial of Great Britain (GBR), with the re-confirmation of Fr James Gerry Briody;
- The new Superior of the Vice Province of Haiti (HAI), Fr Morachel Bonhomme;
- The new Provincial of India-Hyderabad (INH), Fr Thomas Santiagu;
- and the new Provincial of Western Poland (PLO), Fr Bartłomiej Polański.
At the same time, the following were also named:
- the new Secretary of the General Council, namely Fr Guido Garino;
- 33 Provincial Councilors;
- 52 Rectors;
- and 3 Novice Masters.
At the level of Salesian works, three canonical houses were closed and a new one has been erected.
Finally, they studied and discussed the reports on the Extraordinary Visitations relating to:
- Vice Province of Angola (ANG);
- Province of Brazil-Belo Horizonte (BBH);
- Province of Belgium North-Holland (BEN);
- Province of India-Tiruchy (INT);
- Province of Ireland (IRL);
- Province of Peru (PER);
- and the Northern Poland Province (PLN).