News on the situation in the capital is scarce and there is a lot of confusion. We are unable to decide if the many rumours that arrive are true or false. The situation is getting more and more dangerous. After a meeting with the Archbishop of the city, the Sisters of Charity left for Uganda.
The situation of the Salesians is quiet at present. There is a certain security and in general there is respect for foreign priests and for their work of social assistance. People continue to arrive in the mission for help, but there are incidents of violence around the Salesian house.
A few days ago we moved all the displaced people from our school to a camp in a more suitable place. There are more than 250 newly arrived families in addition to more than 325 already present. Our camp is very large, there are many women with children and also many men. Over 7000 people are in the camp at present.
Poor South Sudan, we pray to God and hope that someone will remember these people and begin to do something, so that this emergency may pass with the smallest possible number of victims, even though the situation is very difficult.