The themes for the collective listening and learning were centered on “Youth Ministry & Family”, “The Parishes and Shrines entrusted to the Salesians”, “Salesian Youth Movement” and “Youth Ministry Structures and its impact”. The methodology for every theme was always dialogical, giving ample space to share the reflections of each one.
On the third day, there was the joint meeting with the Sector for Formation on the theme “Formation and accompaniment of the apostolic dimension”. Beginning with the synthesis of the questionnaire, the General Councillors Fr García Morcuende and Fr Ivo Coelho, for Formation, shared their reflections. The good practices of the Provinces of FIN-KOR-PAK were really inspiring and encouraging. The Delegates of each province came out with operative commitments in their context.
Fr García Morcuende, after thanking the Delegates for their dedication and commitment in accompanying the Provinces, he encouraged each one TO CROSS SOME BORDERS:
- The border between IDENTITY and MISSION (they are inseparable!);
- The border between theory and praxis, between "thinking" Salesian life and "living" it;
- The boundary between the Salesians and the laity;
- The frontier between fears and the freedom of the Kingdom (“let us not be afraid of challenges!”);
- The borderline between pastoral superficiality (pastoral activities "fast food") and the experience of educator-pastor.
Special thanks and appreciation were expressed to Fr Jobet Vivo (FIN) who has been the coordinator of the Youth Ministry Delegates for the Region for the last six years. The meeting had its meaning conclusion with smiles on everyone’s face with the courage to journey!