The reports of the first day analyzed the operational guidelines and the results of the governing action of Fr Albera as Rector Major with a look also at the historical period he lived and on the progress of the Salesian houses in America that he visited at the beginning of the century.
The second day was dedicated to the presentation of the spiritual guidelines he gave, both to the Salesians and to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), to the reception of the Code of Canon Law in the Salesian Constitutions, and to the image of Fr Albera in the Salesian Bulletin.
In conclusion, space was given to the indication of the sources of and about Fr Albera preserved in the Salesian Central Archives (ASC), after an interesting comparison between some photographs of Don Bosco and Fr Albera.
The sessions, moderated by Profs. Angelo Giuseppe Dibisceglia and Maria Lupi, were preceded by the welcome address of the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, and concluded by those of the Rector Magnifico of the UPS, Prof. Fr Andrea Bozzolo.
Speakers: Scholars from the ISS (Fr Thomas Anchukandam, Fr Stanislaw Zimniak, Fr Francesco Motto), from the Faculty of Education "Auxilium" of the FMA (Sister Grazia Loparco, Sister Eliane Petri), of the UPS (Fr Aldo Giraudo, Bro. Paolo Vaschetto, SDB), in addition, the director of the Salesian Central Archives, Fr Petr Zelinka, and the head of the Central Archives Giuseppino in Rome, Prof. Giovenale Dotta, CSI. From abroad: Profs. Bro. Ariel Fresia, SDB (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Fr Joe Boenzi (Berkeley, USA) and Fr J. Pudumai Doss (Ottawa, Canada), while Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councilor for Formation of Salesians, sent his greetings from Jerusalem.
The detailed and careful conclusion of the work held by the well-known historian and professor emeritus of the "Roma Tre" University, Prof. Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, was also especially appreciated.
The live streaming also offered English translations of all the interventions. The entire program, already visible on YouTube (first day - second day), will soon also be available in in print shortly.
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