A life narrated through music, the real protagonist of the show, with seven songs that highlight the charisma, faith and humble response to trials that marked the difficult experience of Msgr. Cognata, who was slandered, dismissed from the episcopal order and even removed from the very institute he had founded.
Together with music, the theatre actor Alessandro Nistri interpreted - through different feelings, consciences and intensities - the people who accompanied Monsignor Giuseppe Cognata in the pivotal moments of his life.
The set design is the work of art created by the artist Pierluigi Pastori and created by the "LabOratorio Artistico Don Bosco" under his guidance: a "time machine", a perfect frame of many pictures that are composed in a single scenic space.
The set design is the work of art conceived by the artist Pierluigi Pastori and created by the "Don Bosco Artistic Laboratory" he directs. The set represented a "time machine", a perfect framework of many paintings composed into a single scenic space.
Finally, the precious notes of Riccardo Pastori's violin accompanied the singing. A skilful deployment of lighting of scenes also marked the phases, harmonized the monologues and conferred an evocative atmosphere to the "time machine" dominating the scene, in which the Christological symbols of suffering were transformed into the keys that open the doors of Holiness.
The Salesian Family was represented by Fr Gildasio Mendes, Councilor for Social Communication, by Fr Joan Lluís Playà, the Central Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat of the Salesian Family, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, by Fr Líder Justiniano Flores, Provincial of Bolivia, and Fr Javier Ortiz, collaborator of the Youth Ministry Sector.
Joyous contentment was expressed by Mother Graziella Benghini, Superior General of the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart, for the artistic rendition and for the profound message of hope that it conferred on the audience.
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