It was an online initiative to involve young salesians in formation that in recent months has produced several quality contributions for the renewal of the Ratio, both through feedback and inputs given through Google Docs at the regional level, and through meetings via Zoom.
In the last meeting, the dialogue was extended to all the Regions simultaneously, with Fr Coelho as the resource person, sharing on expectations for the common program of action that is to be lived together. Main theme of the meeting was: "My dream on the formation of Salesians in the next 10 years". It was an extremely beautiful and hope-filled moment, where one could feel firsthand (in real digital form!) how much Don Bosco is alive in so many different cultures and contexts. The event was accessible to everyone also thanks to the simultaneous translation service of Anselmo, Gerald, Christopher, and Carl-Enrico.
We provide below, a few testimonies from just few participants who shared their impressions on Google Docs. Four young Salesians in initial formation, were nominated by the "70x7" of their respective Regions, and these will be part of the core group which will meet in Rome from 16 to 28 November and study together the contributions received in recent months for the new Ratio.
Miguel Núñez (MEG): “I dream of a formation that responds to the reality of the young and of the society, where the Salesian confreres are authentic men of God, true brothers and servants, ready to give their lives for the young. I dream of Salesians who are able to listen and dialogue reasonably, with the tenderness of a father and an elder brother. I see them as brother prophets, who proclaim Jesus Christ with their lives in a credible way, so that in others the desire to live as true Christians may be born. I dream of confreres who are happy to spend their lives with young people, sharing their time with them and that, in giving Christian witness, they feel truly happy with their Salesian vocation.”
Giorgio Ramundo (ICP): "My greatest desire for the initial and ongoing formation of the Salesians in the next 10 years is that they are full of love, passion, and professional qualification - for the mission. That the poor, the young people who have nothing become the center of our formation. I look forward to a formation that knows how to answer the question: 'Who are the poor and abandoned young people TODAY?', and also a formation that knows how to arouse and answer the question 'What am I doing here? Who am I here for?' This is of paramount importance more than everything else – the structures, the formative stages, the studies and even community life… All of these should be reread in this light. A formation that makes the young Salesian understand that he is here to save his soul, as Don Bosco said and wanted, and that the way to do this is to meet, love and be loved, to be 'dug out' by the poorest and most abandoned young people".
Minsu Moses Jung (KOR): "As the GC28 suggests, I would like us all to be able to accompany the young towards a sustainable future. That is what the young people of this generation ask of us. For this, we must put up ecology in our theme in our initial and ongoing formation curriculum and practice it in our community life as prophets. For young people, we must be capable of giving our best. We are the best when we walk 'together with the laity in mission and formation' (GC 28 - 6th Proposal). This is precisely what Don Bosco did in his Oratory for his young people, and GC 24 has told us that it is 'the only viable model under present conditions' (GC 24, 39)".
Dickson Eugene (INK): "I dream of Salesians in every stage of formation! – as ones who do not seek positions of power, but for opportunities to serve. Service to those on the peripheries, social or economic. I seek Salesians who have an unstoppable courage, developed through formation, to face these situations creatively. Salesians who, although they may not have the skills and resources of their peers in the world, nevertheless, like Don Bosco run ahead fearlessly in seeking the salvation of souls, and make every effort to learn, adapt and change in order to achieve this aim, without compromising their identity. One must aim at formation communities that are fluid enough to encourage and promote learning, formation and exposure to reality, and structured enough to be able to promote identity and inculturation".