This school is a special program organized by the Social Communication Department of the Salesian Congregation with the collaboration of the Social Communication Coordinators of the various Regions.
After the welcome of the Regional Coordinator, Mrs. Zaida Navarrete, the three members of the Department of Social Communication spoke, encouraging the participants about this rich experience that is already beginning to bear fruit, not only with the learning of issues related to Social Communication, but also by sharing the cultural resources of the member countries and the personal talents of participants.
The School was established as a response to the two actions proposed by the Animation and Government Project of the Department of Social Communication (2020-2026) based on the action program of the Rector Major after the 28th General Chapter: Living the Salesian Sacrament of Presence (Priority No. 3).
The course aims to deepen, form and enrich those who are involved in guiding the ministry/service of Social Communication in the various Salesian Provinces of the world in an evangelical, synodal, Salesian and convergent perspective on Communication to evangelize and educate young people of today.
The proposed themes, which will be presented over the course of 16 months, emerged from the study of the main formative needs of the provincial delegates of social communication. The Department has defined the first five themes.
Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councilor for Social Communication, began this first online meeting with his presentation. Fr Mendes offered a biblical vision of Social Communication, accompanying the participants' reflection with a text and then with a moment of sharing.
In America, the organization and logistics are the responsibility of the America Social Communication team (ECSA), made up of regional representatives and representatives of the sectors (Salesian Bulletin, Salesian radio and publishing houses).
The first to be invited to participate in this school were the provincial delegates, the coordinators and heads of the sectors and the members of the communication teams of the provinces.