The Regional Coordinators who took part in the meeting were: Fr Ernest Rosario (South Asia), Fr Peter Chinh (East Asia - Oceania), Fr Rigobert Fumtchum (Africa - Madagascar), Fr James Gardner (Central and Northern Europe), Fr João Carlos (Brazil) and Zaida Navarrete (Inter America).
At the opening of the meeting, Fr Gildásio Mendes presented to all participants, his two new collaborators, who had joined the Department recently: Fr Harris Pakkam, new Director of the Salesian iNfo Agency; and Fr Ricardo Campoli, who is taking care of the research in the areas of social networks and Salesian publishing houses.
Subsequently, the calendar of appointments of the Salesian Social Communication Sector for the second semester of 2021 was reviewed and approved.
Each Regional Coordinator then presented the modalities and specifics of their own SSCS program – taking into consideration that the SSCS provides for the first part of the common programme and the second part containing the specific modules would be realized as per the different needs and realities of the various Salesian Regions. On the whole, the catalogue of themes, time duration, dates, and resource persons involved were shared with the group.
Another topic that came on the agenda was the study of the proposal to establish the Salesian World Communication Day.
Then Fr Mendes also illustrated how his in-depth formative study on the theme of the disciples of Emmaus was proceeding, which the Councilor for Social Communication was intending to develop to highlight the "Biblical Dimension" of Communication. "Understanding Communication from the perspective of Emmaus" is the objective set and on which they are working.
Finally, Fr Campoli specified about the modules he had developed for the questionnaire and survey that he would be sending to all the salesian houses globally to evaluate the situation of the Salesian social networks and publishing houses.