In the homily of the celebration, Msgr. Soares Nobre emphasized that “this is a simple but very meaningful moment and the arrival of the Congregation in the Diocese is a moment of spiritual growth... Our Salesian brothers will be able to help all the people of Oeiras, especially the young, to meet with the radiant light of the Risen One ever more, so that it may be a reference in our life.”
The bishop of Oeiras also expressed that the diocese feels privileged to be able to welcome the Salesians, especially since their arrival in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic is a sign of hope and blessing. He commented that the diocese of Oeiras is small, but has a great pastoral dynamism, and was especially grateful for the presence of the two Salesians who have already started their missionary activity among the young people of this city, the oldest in the State of Piauí, of which it was also the capital, and whose patroness is the Mother of Victory.
At the conclusion of his sermon, he prayed that Divine Providence increase the number of vocations for the Church and for the Congregation.
Later, Fr Romero also spoke; he wished to share three sentiments with participants: “Of gratitude, to God, for having aroused this missionary desire, and to the Bishop and parish priests of this Church, who with affection and generosity invited and received us; (...) of joy, because the image of our Father and Teacher Don Bosco comes here to this land and comes with our Salesian brothers to share this joy so characteristic of our charism; (...) and of sincere humility, because we have come to learn from the pastoral work of this diocese, to join this pastoral dynamic and contribute with our grain of sand, which is the beauty of our charism, with deep respect to enter in this 'holy land' which today opens its doors to us.”