The program of activities foresees, first of all, the meeting of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, with the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) and a small group of sisters at the FMA Generalate at 4.00 pm, Italian time. The X Successor of Don Bosco shall present a preview of the Strenna's contents, referring to the tradition that sees the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Father and Center of Unity of the Salesian Family, to be the first to deliver the Strenna message for the new year to the FMA.
Subsequently, at 18:00 (UTC + 1) - and here is the real novelty - the worldwide screening of the Strenna video will take place: a screening that will be live streaming on the ANS Facebook page, with simultaneous comments in five languages, and which will make it possible to immediately share the perspective indicated by Fr Á.F. Artime to all today's followers and admirers of Don Bosco throughout the Salesian world.
Finally, immediately after the video screening - and always in live streaming - the Rector Major will make himself available for an interview wherein users from home will also be able to participate by suggesting questions, and will thus deepen the themes and salient contents of the Strenna.
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