The first day was a sort of re-evaluation of the previous year’s action plans. From the reports of the 11 provinces, taking stalk of our missionary animation programmes, it was revealed that much was achieved in spite of Covid-19, through the use of multi-media. However, in five provinces the PDMAs were newly appointed and they did not have much to report. The concern for first proclamation and “snatching souls” is still the driving force of much of our works.
The in-puts from the core-team was the most salient feature of our meeting. The Councilor for Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla, joined the meeting from the Philippines. He briefly touched on the meaning of proclaiming the Gospel and said that it is the fruit of a passion in our hearts to share the experience of Christ with others. “The task of the PDMAs,” he said, “is to stir up this same passion in the hearts of others. In all our planning and activities (print media, seminars) we should strengthen the missioner, and mission will follow. The Spirituality of the Missioner is all that really matters. One can give only what one has.” Fr Alfred Maravilla ended by throwing a challenge to the South Asia region to improve on the number of missionaries ad gentes.
Mr. Fulgaro spoke on the topic “refugees and displaced people, a new mission frontier”. It was noted that the Youth Ministry Sector at the Generalate animates the work for Migrants. He then spoke about the need to put in place various stratagems to actively “promote Salesian Missionary Service” in the Provinces.
Fr Pavel Zenisek spoke about the role of PDMAs and CORAM and how to promote collegiality among the different sectors of the province, as all are working for the same mission. Fr George Menamparampil explained the meaning of “the mission day” of the Salesians and suggested innovative ways to make use of “Cagliero 11 and other mission animation materials sent from Rome.
The third and final day was meant for planning for the future. Many suggestions were proposed as takeaways. Some are given below.
Planning for the future - way ahead in Pandemic times and after.
1. Missioner is the mission. So, deepen the faith. Keep the fire burning – warmth warms – “to snatch souls”. Let our lamps be burning bright with the extra oil of the Holy Spirit. They should not need to go “buy” it as long as we Salesians are there.... to accompany the clever, the foolish, the sinner, the seeker, the youth, the migrant, the refugee, in “season and out of season”.
2. The need to focus on the “periphery” or “win the winnable while they are Winnable” principle.
3. Use extensively the media to update the missioner and to preach the Gospel from the rooftop. Use good Bible films like “The Chosen one”, “A.D.Empire & the Kingdom”, and “God befriended me”, etc. Make use of the wealth of YouTube by Bishop Barron, Brant Pitre, Fr Choondel, to catechize and preach to the nations.
4. To promote missionary thinking and reflection in our region by documentation. To send every year someone for MTh in missiology from each province.
5. To make a module for missionary animation and formation in the form of a book, or Power Point in the coming year which can be widely circulated and used by the PDMAs in all the formation houses.
6. The PDMAs to network, especially with all those who have gone through the Missionary Course and ex-PDMAs for missionary animation in the provinces.
7. To preach the Gospel “with all boldness” using the incarnational method. Sensitive to the ethos, culture, language, governments but without compromising or sacrificing our specific identity.
8. To promote actively the concept of “Mission without borders” inter-provincial and international (ad gentes) by Reviving the two Missionary Aspirantates.
9. To network with everyone, especially the youth, the laity, Salesian volunteers and past pupils to participate in the “mission for all: Mission by all” project as GC 28 suggests.
10. To promote “live-in experiences” of Mission for longer periods or Mission tourism to Vietnam, Korea, Africa and Nepal, Mynmar, Bangladesh or within SA.
11. To take up “Mission Delhi” seriously as proposed in the SPCSA.
12. To organize the Missionary Course and Pilgrimage twice in 2021, if there are takers. One in April-May and another in Oct-Nov.
13. Missionary Animation and Salesian Volunteering be made part of the programme for Deacon’s and Rector's orientation courses.