The presence of numerous people, who attended the event in different places, confirmed the reputation for holiness and signs that accompany the living memory of this Salesian. In fact, the opening of the Cause was especially encouraged and supported by the holy people of God who recognized Fr Galli as a singular witness of God's love.
The presence of three brothers of the Servant of God, together with the volunteers of the "Auxilium" Association, founded by Fr Galli himself, is significant. The presence of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, expressed the gratitude to the Lord on the part of the Congregation and the Salesian Family for the unique life witness of this religious and for his constant and generous support for the restoration of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the Salesian missions. The Lombard-Emilian Salesian Province (ILE) was represented by the Provincial, Fr Giuliano Giacomazzi, and by several confreres.
Before the Eucharist, the diocesan Bishop, Msgr. Pierantonio Tremolada, installed the members of the Tribunal who took their oath: Msgr. Antonio Lanzoni, Episcopal Delegate; Fr Carlo Lazzaroni, Promotor of Justice; Fr Claudio Boldini, Notary. Postulator of the Cause is Fr Pierluigi Cameroni.
In his homily, Mgr. Tremolada expressed the participation of the entire Brescia Church and the civil community in the event, and recognized in Fr Silvio Galli "a father to many people; he welcomed those who came to him, demonstrating wisdom and listening skills. He was a man who lived in charity towards the poor: the Auxilium is the testimony of this. His humility, meekness and loving kindness struck people: he was a good man who recommended being good. He conquered evil with good. He had his own way of living the Eucharist and nurtured a deep love for Our Lady."
In his greeting, the Rector Major recalled Fr Galli as "a model of priestly holiness and authentic consecrated life in a time marked by scandals, abandonment, worldliness, a true mystic of the Spirit anchored to the columns of the Eucharist and of Mary Help of Christians; example of an 'outgoing' priest, with the smell of sheep, with a great singularity: if there is no doubt that he goes out to look for the lost, to visit the sick, to comfort the prisoners, etc., he was above all a priest to whom people flocked: so to speak, he did not need to go out because it was the others who came looking for him; prophet of the sacredness of life, of every life, especially the weakest, defenseless, wounded, humiliated, exploited, marginalized, discarded; witness and incarnation of a living spiritual fatherhood, in a typically Salesian style.”