The initiative, launched together with the Higher School in Clinical Psychology (SSPC-IFREP), the School of Specialization in Transactional Psychotherapy (SSPT) and the School of Specialization in Interpersonal and Group Psychotherapy (SSPIG-ARPI), is part of the wider educational project that UPS offers.
The project "Tu stai a casa…Io sto con te" arises from the need of "specializing professionals and psychologists to put themselves at the service of others, to provide a place for exchange and listening in which people can feel understood, activate resources to self-regulate and undertake psychological accompaniment paths," explains prof. Fr Mario Oscar Llanos, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, which includes the School of Specialization.
"This initiative is important because it is the contribution of our University," concludes prof. Llanos, "to mitigate the psychological impacts that this emergency situation may have, especially on families and children."
The long period of social isolation, forced coexistence, the loss of the certainties of daily life, the worries for a loved one who is sick: there are many situations that put a strain on the psychological and emotional balance during this period.
Competent professionals, specializing psychologists enrolled in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the schools of specialization in Psychotherapy, will provide a space in which people will be listened to proactively, with the possibility of activating resources to self-regulate and ask for or hear further interventions on stress response syndromes in the case of Anxiety/Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The consultancy provides for three online meetings, respectively assigned to: Analysis and Evaluation of the request; Identification of self-regulation resources related to stress response syndromes; Follow-up, and any operational indications.
Furthemore, it is estimated that over 1.5 billion children are out of school and families are not always prepared to handle crisis situations such as that generated by the coronavirus.
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