About twenty operators, including volunteers and Salesians, meet to reorganize the food parcel delivery service to the area's needy families. All donning gloves and mask, lowered only for a few seconds, for just the time to introduce themselves and make their faces recognized. In the coming weeks, other volunteers who have made themselves available and who come from the various areas of the Salesian Don Bosco work will be joining them.
There are two delivery days, Monday and Thursday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00, strictly by appointment, to avoid overlapping and gatherings. The delivery point is the entrance to the Salesian Oratory, in Piazza Decemviri. Families receive a weekly package containing food necessary for sustenance. A home delivery service has also been activated for people who cannot move. The delivery, in this case, will take place by telephone communication and with all the necessary precautions to avoid fraud by ill-intentioned people.
The service has been present for a long time, as the deputy parish priest, Fr Carmine Ciavarella, says: "For now, we have a list of over fifty assisted families, but the Basilica is open and we are ready to welcome new requests." The Basilica itself, open from 7 to 12 and from 16 to 19 for personal prayer, is a drop-off point for anyone wishing to donate long-term food items, to feed the service.
The parcel delivery activity adds to that of the canteen for the poor, enhanced just before the quarantine, thanks to the construction of new premises and inaugurated by the Vicar of the Holy Father for the diocese of Rome, card. Angelo De Donatis, on February 2nd and for which hundreds of parishioners volunteered their support.
"Our work has never stopped," says Fr Carmine, "especially in this moment of difficulty in which, unfortunately, the last ones risk being even more affected."
A short video is available on Facebook in which Fr Salvatore Policino, head of the Oratory-Youth Center, introduces and explains this new solidarity initiative: