Rome, Italy - June 2024 - At noon on Thursday, 13 June 2024, in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Castro Pretorio, 38 priests from the Section for First Evangelisation and the new Particular Churches in the Dicastery for Evangelisation (formerly the Dicastery of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples or Propaganda Fide) gathered to celebrate the Eucharist and to thank the Sacred Heart for the pastoral year that had passed, for the work done and for the priestly anniversaries of some members. The Mass was presided over by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, former Prefect of the Dicastery and today Pro-Prefect of the Section for First Evangelisation and the New Particular Churches, with Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu, Archbishop Secretary, and Archbishop Emilio Nappa, Assistant Secretary, at his side. The choice of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart for this celebration was motivated by the fact that the church, built by Don Bosco, is the International Church of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and for the Dicastery working for the Evangelisation of Peoples, priestly holiness depends on the link with the Heart of Jesus, from which the fruits for Evangelisation and Missio ad gentes also derive.
Pescara, Italy - June 2024 - Three students from the Communication Area of the Salesian University Institute of Venice (IUSVE) and collaborators of the academic broadcaster "Cube Radio" - Giulia Compagnin, Elisa Filippini and Eleonora Costa - had the opportunity to take part in the most important Italian event dedicated to the animation and children's content industry: “Cartoons on the bay”. The three girls were the main characters in the social narration of the event, held from 29 May to 2 June in Pescara, and collaborated directly with those who managed the digital communication of RAI and RAI Com. Occasions of this kind allow IUSVE to consolidate and forge institutional relations, while for the students it is a matter of taking up the challenge of concretely applying the skills acquired in the classroom. “Cartoons on the bay”, specifically, gave the "Cube Radio" staff the opportunity to enter very complex professional contexts and begin to understand the dynamics. At the same time, the work carried out by the three young women highlighted the academic training that IUSVE offers as part of the curriculum.
Yokohama, Japan - June 2024 - The Japan Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, led by President Mr. Shinya Yokoyama, held the 2024 Board of Directors meeting at the Salesio Gakuin High School in Yokohama, on 8 June. This was the first meeting of the Council after the new organisation of the members of the council, and it was also the first opportunity for Fr Francis Assisi Atsushi Hamasaki, SDB, the new Salesian Provincial – Deleagte for the Federation, who took office only on 6 June – to hold his official positions. At the beginning of the Board meeting, Fr Daniel Masaharu Torigoe, SDB, Principal of the school, gave a welcome address on behalf of the educational community, followed by discussion and approval of the previous year's activity report and budget, as well as the activity policy and budget for the current year. In addition, the working group presented and discussed ideas for the Federation's activities on the occasion of the centenary of the arrival of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Japan (8 February 2026). President Yokoyama thanked the participants and said, "After COVID-19, the Japanese Federation is starting over again. I hope we can add new strength to the Federation by maintaining close contact with each other and promoting the association.” The new Provincial introduced himself as a former student of the Salesian school and expressed the hope of celebrating the centenary of the arrival of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Japan with the Past Pupils. After the Council meeting, Fr Peter Shin Mishima, SDB delegate for Past Pupils, held a study session on the theme of this year's Strenna, "The dream that makes you dream", followed by a visit to the church in Tsuzuki, adjacent to the school.
Barbacena, Brazil – June 2024 - The 23rd Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Brazil-Belo Horizonte (BBH) concluded on 7 June, focusing on the theme "In love with Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people". Starting on 4 June, the first two days were marked by moments of reflection and dialogue on the three core areas of GC29. In addition to these themes, a synodal consultation was held to reflect on the possibility of creating a new religious community and a new presence next year, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the First Missionary Expedition of Don Bosco. Fr José Ricardo Mole, SDB, Vice-Provincial of the BBH Province and Chapter Moderator, emphasised the good work of the commissions and the quality of the reflections and final texts which demonstrated teamwork and what every desired, Salesians and lay people, to look to the future with hope. The 6th and 7th were marked by presentation of the reflections of the three Chapter commissions comprising Salesians and lay people. After a moment of prayer and discernment, Chapter members elected Fr Márcio José Montandon Marçal, as delegate, and Fr Gustavo Corrêa Cola, as substitute, for the GC29.