Italy - Mons. Giovenale celebrates Eucharist with Theology students
Rome, Italy - October 2019 - On October 14th, Msgr. Flavio Giovenale, SDB, bishop of Cruzeiro do Sul, who is currently participating in the Synod for the Pan-Amazon region, presided over Mass in the Salesian community of the Theology students of Rome. Mons. Giovenale shared with all those present the richness and challenges of his work in his diocese, in the Amazon, and urged them to let themselves be guided by the Holy Spirit and not to be afraid to go beyond their own certainties, or comfort zones, "because the Lord wants more from each of us."
- Italy – Patron feast of theology students "Zeffirino Namuncurá"
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- Italy - Salesian missionaries visit Genoa
- Italy - First Religious Profession of 11 Salesians
- Italy – Central Italy SYM Meeting
- Italy - Perpetual professions of two Salesians of Don Bosco and two Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
- Egypt – Volunteer experience of young people in Central Italy