Italy - Concluding session of ICP Provincial Chapter
Turin, Italy - March 2019 - From March 3 to 5, the final session of the IX Provincial Chapter of the Special Circumscription of Italy - Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and Lithuania (ICP) was held at Valdocco. This was the third methodological step that accompanied the capitular procedure: after the step of listening to the current state of affairs, and the interpretation of what emerged, in the final session participants worked to translate everything into operational guidelines and actions for the forthcoming years of the ICP District. The work carried out in recent months has not only produced a document that will be the ICP's contribution to the next GC28, but has also tried to trigger discernment and decision processes for the benefit of Salesian houses and, more specifically, young people.
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- Italy- Eucharistic celebration of Msgr. Nosiglia at Valdocco
- Italy - Provincial Chapter ICP