Spain – Fr Stefano Martoglio meets bishop of San Sebastián
San Sebastián, Spain - March 2019 - The bishop of San Sebastián, Msgr. José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre, received a visit from the Councilor for the Mediterranean Region, Fr Stefano Martoglio, and from the directors of the Salesian centers in the province of Guipuzkoa: Donostia, Urnieta and Azkoitia. During the meeting, which took place on 6 March, the participants spoke of Salesian presences in the province, of the projects of the diocese and in particular of youth ministry.
- Italy - Fr Stefano Martoglio begins Extraordinary Visitation of Lombardy-Emilia Province
- Spain – Fr Martoglio concludes Extraordinary Visitation of “St James Major” Province
- Spain - Annual meeting of children
- Spain - Provincial Chapter of “Santiago el Mayor” Province
- Spain – Fr Martoglio: "We must avoid the temptation to dedicate ourselves exclusively to mere administration"
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- Spain - Fr Martoglio visits Salesian house in Burgos "Padre Aramburu"
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- Spain - Opening of 125th anniversary celebrations of Salesian presence in Vigo
- Spain - Fr Martoglio's Extraordinary Visit resumes: opportunity to strengthen unity with Rector Major and Congregation