- Italy – Visit of the Vicar of the Rector Major to Ancona for the 125th anniversary of the Institution “San Luigi”
- Italy - At Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco the "BorgOlimpiadi 2018"
- Italy - New Provincial of Salesian Central Italy Circumscription, Fr Stefano Aspettati, takes office
- Italy - Work Camp 2018 for young people of Vocational Training Centers
- Italy - "Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco" inaugurates soccer field
- Italy - An oratory in step with the times: Fr Maschio's recipe
- Italy - There once was, and there still is, the oratory
- Italy - Salesians, Sports and Soccer: Success Stories
- Italy - "Oratory On the Road" thanks to Salesian Cooperators
- RMG – With Don Bosco … on vacation!
- Salesian Youth Summer Camps 2017
- Italy - Conclusion of Grest 2016 at the Salesian Oratory of Ragusa
- Italy - 450 young people at GREST in the Dominic Savio Oratory in Gela
- Italy – Celebration of Law-Observance with the State Police at the Oratory of the Redeemer in Bari
- Italy - More than 2 million young people in the summer oratories