India - Exhibition of products made by shantytown women
Pune, India - October 2017 - Pune's Salesian Organization "Don Bosco Development Society" (DBDS) offers courses to women from the slums. They learn to produce sweets, food, spices, soaps which they sell, thereby adding to the income of their respective families. On October 13, at the "Diwali" Festival, DBDS set up a showcase of the women's products at a trade show organized by "AXA Business Service" where many of the products were sold.
- India – Young women in legal trouble learn job skills
- India – Month of March of NGO "PARA": celebrating women, celebrating equality
- RMG - Don Bosco's Spiritual Sons and Daughters at the service of African women
- Democratic Republic of the Congo - Development and food self-sufficiency: mothers as protagonists
- Spain - International Women's Day: "Without gender equality there is no development"
- India - Road safety training for minors in slums
- India – Day of young people at risk
- RMG - Salesians for the Elimination of Violence against Women
- India - Meeting on dangers of substance abuse and addiction among young people
- RMG - Rector Major's Visit to India
- India – Rebuilding lives of slum women: through income-generating skills
- India - 800 scouts and guides at "Gromo 2017" Meeting
- India - Technology applied to rural agriculture
- India - 350 women march for their rights
- India - 25th Anniversary of Tej-Prasarini Communications
- India - Review Charism through the Salesian Youth Movement
- India – Spread the Light: Don Bosco Trains Citizen Journalists