Guatemala - Diaconal Ordinations
Guatemala City, Guatemala - August 2017 - On August 27 at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the Collegio Don Bosco, Msgr. Óscar Julio Vian Morales, SDB, archbishop of Santiago de Guatemala, presided over the diaconal ordinations of the Salesians Daniel García and Josué Saborío.
- India - Diaconal ordination of six Salesians
- Guatemala - Farewell to Msgr. Óscar Julio Vian Morales, SDB, archbishop of Santiago de Guatemala
- Guatemala - "PROVOCA": vocational campaign to create a vocational culture
- El Salvador - Meeting of Job Training Team and Preferential Option 2017
- Nicaragua - "San Juan Bosco" College presents 13 innovative projects
- El Salvador - Don Bosco University inaugurates Career Development Center
- Guatemala - Help service for the ill
- Guatemala - Two Argentines in Petén: "We found God in the people with whom we shared this path"
- Costa Rica - Initiation of "EPRE" program
- El Salvador - Promoting Innovation in Small Business. An initiative inaugurated by the Republic's Vice-President
- Guatemala - Training Workshop on Social Networks