Brazil - Celebration for 20 Years of Paul VI Local Center and 123 Years of Foundation of BCG Province
Campo Grande, Brazil - June 2017 - On June 18, in the Parish of Campo Grande Maria Help of Christians, members of the local Salesian Family met for a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr Gildasio Mendes dos Santos, Superior of the Salesian Province of Campo Grande (BCG ), to commemorate the 20 years since the creation of the Paul VI Local Center of Salesian Cooperators and for the 123 years since the foundation of the BCG Province.
- Brazil - ADMA National Congress
- Brazil - Salesian student Finalist at "Good Example Prize"
- Brazil - Salesian Euller da Silva ordained priest by Msgr. Edmilson Tadeu Canavarros dos Santos, SDB
- Brazil - The 2nd Vocational Meeting of Ministrants of the Campo Grande Province
- Brazil - Spirituality Day of the Salesian Family in Recife
- Brazil - "Mother, there's nothing more beautiful than to die for God": the martyrdom of Fr Rodolfo Lunkenbein and Simão Bororo
- Brazil - Conclusion of the Provincial Chapter of Campo Grande