Croatia - Salesian Province Day, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia - January 2025 - On 24 January, the liturgical memorial of St Francis de Sales, some 70 Salesians gathered at the Salesian house in Zagreb Jarun to celebrate Salesian Province Day for the province (CRO). It was attended by Salesians from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and those studying or working in Germany and Italy. The first moments were reserved for the missionaries ‘ad gentes’ of the CRO Province, who sent their greetings with short videos from their place: Fr Marijan Zovak from the Dominican Republic; practical trainee Marko Dropuljić from Mongolia and theology student Josip Soldo (Ethiopia) from the Ratisbonne studentate in Jerusalem; Krešo Gabričević (Papua New Guinea) and Rafael Gašpar (Brazil, BBH). Fr Milan Ivančević, CRO Provincial, Fr Pejo Orkić, Rector of the Salesian Host Community, and Fr Danijel Dragičević, who presented the Strenna 2025, now also available in Croatian. Fr Jakov Rađa, in charge of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of Zagreb and professor of youth ministry in the Faculty of Theology at the State University of Zagreb, presented the situation of young Croatians today, indicating some possible responses of the Salesians. Provincial Econonmer Fr Damir Stojić presented the financial situation, while Fr David Leskovar, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry presented the renewed plan for the preparation of young lay leaders. Fr Milan Ivančević presided at the Eucharist during which the jubilees of a number of Salesians were celebrated, and eight young people from the Salesian Educational Community in Podsused, Zagreb, officially entered the pre-ovitiate.
- Croatia – Inaugural meeting of the new National Association of the Friends of Don Bosco and gathering of the Executive Council of the World Confederation of Past Pupils
- Croatia - Consecration of the church of Mary Help of Christians in Knežija
- Croatia - Visit of the General Councillor for the Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla
- Croatia – Perpetual profession of five Salesians