Brazil - Expedition of the Academic Project for Assistance to Indigenous Peoples brings health to the indigenous community of Sangradouro
Sangradouro, Brazil – January 2025 – The new expedition of the Academic Project of Assistance to Indigenous Peoples (PAAPI), established by the medical students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santos (UNILUS), began on Tuesday, 14 January. The team is currently in the indigenous community of Sangradouro (MT) carry ing out health promotion and disease prevention activities. The project includes basic health care, data collection during home visits and preventive medicine initiatives. The students are also distributing medicines and participating in moments of cultural exchange with the villagers. Upon arrival in the community, the participants took part in the Holy Mass, presided over by the director of the local Salesian community, Fr Amércio Rezende de Oliveira. They then met with the Salesians and the organisers to plan the assistance activities. The activities took place in Sangradouro, together with the original Xavante people, while a second group headed towards the Indigenous Land of Meruri to collaborate with the Boe-Bororo people. The mission aims to bring care and hope to indigenous populations. Since its foundation in 2009, PAAPI has already carried out 15 expeditions in the state of Mato Grosso, consolidating itself as a significant initiative of integration between health, science and solidarity.
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