Italy – Meeting of fraternity and formation for the Salesians in their Quinquennium in the Central Italy Circumscription
Cagliari, Italy – December 2024 - From 1 to 6 December 2024, the Salesian community in Cagliari hosted a fraternity and formation meeting for the Salesians in their Quinquennium. The Quinquennium is a fundamental formation stage that accompanies Salesians in the first five years of their apostolic life after perpetual profession or priestly ordination. Led by Fr Daniele Merlini, Vice-Provincial of the Central Italy Circumscription (ICC), the six Salesians had the opportunity to delve into various issues. Fr Andrea Lupi, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, encouraged a reflection on vocational animation, while Fr Roberto Colameo, Superior of the ICC Circumscription, offered a picture of the Salesian reality in the Mediterranean Region and in Italy. Fr Angelo Santorsola, director of the community of Cagliari, shared the experience of his community and the path that led it to the current configuration. Finally, Fr Francesco Valente, ICC Economer, led a reflection on the financial issues that young Salesians face in the early years of their activity. In addition to the moments of formation, there were also opportunities for fraternity and leisure, such as a visit to the ancient city of Tharros. The welcome of the Salesian community in Cagliari has also helped to make this experience particularly significant. For the young Salesians, the quinquennium Meeting in Cagliari proved to be a precious opportunity for their human and spiritual growth, strengthening the sense of belonging to the Congregation and offering concrete tools for their apostolic service.
- Italy – A conference and new special facilities for young people in Colle Val D’Elsa
- Italy – Meeting of Economers in the Salesian Central Italy Circumscription
- Italy - 50 Years of the San Giovanni Bosco Catholic Action Group in Vasto Vasto, Italy – December 2024
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