DR Congo - First Meeting of Young Salesian Missionaries in the Province of Central Africa
Lubumbashi, DR Congo – October 2024 – On 27 October, nine Salesian missionaries from various backgrounds gathered at the Asna farm, 30 km from Lubumbashi, under the guidance of Fr Dominique Kubuya Luanda, SDB, Delegate for Mission Animation in the Assumption Province of Central Africa (AFC). The meeting, the first of the pastoral year 2024-2025, aimed to encourage the listening and support of young missionaries, from three continents (Africa, Asia and Latin America), through the sharing of experiences and meditation on the Word of God. The meeting began with the reading of the Gospel (Lk 9: 1-6 and Mark 6: 7-13), passages concerning the sending of the apostles on mission, from which several reflections emerged. Subsequently, the missionaries shared their personal experiences, such as the joy of a warm welcome in the Province, feeling accepted, but also the difficulties related to cultural adaptation. A space for dialogue then allowed participants to ask questions, express their concerns and suggest improvements for missionary accompaniment. Fr Kubuya encouraged the young missionaries to remain committed, underlining the importance of regular meetings and personal interviews to strengthen fraternal ties and offer adequate support. He also expressed the desire of the Province to strengthen the reception conditions so that the missionaries feel like family and carry out their mission with joy. Finally, this meeting was an opportunity to be grateful for the presence of young missionaries recently sent to the AFC Province: four Vietnamese, two of whom belong juridically to the ACC, and three from Latin America, thus enriching the universality of the Salesian commitment.
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