Philippines - Third Formation Course for Delegates for the Salesian Family in East Asia-Oceania
Cebu, Philippines - November 2016 - From 25 to 27 November the third formation course for Delegates for the Salesian Family of the East Asia-Oceania region took place. It was attended by about 40 delegates from the FIS, FIN, ITM and PGS provinces. The course was led by Fr Eusebio Muñoz, (Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family), Fr Giuseppe Casti, (Salesian Cooperators), Fr Joan Lluis Playa (VDB and CDB), and Fr Pier Luigi Cameroni (ADMA). The participants drew up their "Action plan 2017-2020" marked by three watchwords: TOGETHER, in reflection, prayer and planning; TRAINING, at all levels; and LAY, for their increasing involvement.
- Pakistan – The first Pakistan Don Bosco website
- Philippines – Celebration of the Feast of “Santo Niño” in Cebu
- Philippines – 40 Years of the “Don Bosco Formation Center – Lawaan”
- Philippines – Forming the Formators
- Philippines - Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy
- Pakistan - A living rosary and technical awards at the Salesian centre in Lahore
- Philippines - Formation for leaders of the Salesian works
- Pakistan – Fr Zago, the Don Bosco of Pakistan, leaves the country for good