Pakistan – A hundred young people participate in the Don Bosco Quetta Youth Friendship event

24 September 2024

Quetta, Pakistan – September 2024 – On 21 September, the Don Bosco Salesian work in Quetta organised a day called "Youth Friendship", led by Fr Samuel Ghouri, SDB, Rector of the work and Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry. The event, held at the Caritas Hall, was attended by a hundred young people from all the parishes in the Apostolic Vicariate of Quetta. The diocesan theme "Young people at the service of young people" was the central focus of the meeting. Fr Tahir Sattar led the opening prayer, while Mr Arslan Rohail read the Word of God. Diocesan youth leaders facilitated the welcome and Fr Ghouri welcomed the participants and the speaker, Bishop Khalid Rehmat, OFMCap, Vicar Apostolic of Quetta. The Bishop spoke on "The role of young people in the synodal Church", challenging young people to listen to the Holy Father's call to be active digital missionaries for their peers. He also reminded them that young people play a fundamental role in the Church today. After lunch, Salesian Brother Francis Nhat presented "St John Bosco's Dream at 9 years of age", highlighting its fundamental importance in the mission of the Salesian Congregation; while young Maliha Tariq spoke about the "Salesian Youth Synod", in which she participated last August in Piedmont, Italy; and then a book was presented entitled "Hidden Diamonds", the collection of the dreams of 196 young people from 134 countries. Finally, a survey was conducted asking participants to express their opinions on various topics, including the Christian family, education, youth addictions, the Church and unemployment.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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