Chile – Perpetual Profession of Adrián Ayala, Christian Chávez and Oswaldo Mora
Santiago, Chile – August 2024 – The Salesian Family in Chile met on 24 August to celebrate the Perpetual Professions of Adrián Ayala, Christian Chávez and Oswaldo Mora in a Eucharist held in the parish of Jesús el Señor. The Mass was presided over by Fr Nelson Moreno, Superior of the Salesian Province of Chile (CIL), and concelebrated by Fr Marcelo Farfán, Superior of the Salesian Province of Ecuador, and by Salesian confreres from various religious communities.
- Chile – After the Salesian Olympics: a sign of unity, love and service
- Chile – Salesian Olympics: young people throughout the country celebrate 50 years of the SYM
- Chile – Meeting of Salesian Rectors: fostering a climate of fraternity and provincial communion
- Chile - Provincial Day 2024: thank you for the testimony of life and service of our brothers and sisters
- Chile - Retreat for Directors of the Salesian Schools Network "A good exercise in our journey"
- Chile – Ensuring the formation of future Salesian priests: Curatorium of the International Theologate, Lo Cañas
- Chile – The Planning and Development Office in the Salesian Province receives one hundred trees for reforestation of Peñihue Park
- Chile – "NewsFeed": Artificial Intelligence at the service of communication
- Chile - Promoting the formation and accompaniment of Salesian Rectors
- Cile – 46th edition of the Artistic Musical Events: success, art and entertainment
- Chile – The Don Bosco Salesian Institute in Antofagasta hosts the Antofagasta Vocational Technical Education Students' Congress