Chile - Promoting the formation and accompaniment of Salesian Rectors
Santiago, Chile – July 2024 - Salesians of Don Bosco who provide the animation service in Salesian presences in the country attend a Rectors meeting at the Provincial House on 11 and 12 July. The aim of the meeting is to focus on their formation and accompaniment in their role as guides and guarantors of the Salesian identity of communities and those who share responsibility for provincial animation. The event began with the Eucharist celebrated by the Provincial of the Salesians in Chile, Fr Nelson Moreno and concelebrated by his Vice-Provincial, Fr Juan Bustamante and the Provincial Economer, Fr Néstor Muñoz. The programme for the first day of work included several moments, presentations and formation workshops aimed at forming rectors, especially in their role as animators of religious communities. "Theological-pastoral approach to ecclesial and religious life today: challenges and opportunities" was the topic developed by Fr Heriberto Cabrera. Fr Cristián Sotomayor, an academic at the Faculty of Theology at UC, spoke on "Fraternal life in religious life". In the afternoon, Fr Darío Navarro, Provincial Delegate for Formation, explored some testimonies and analysis of cases of religious life and Jesuit Fr Larry Yévenes, Director of the Diploma of Psycho-Spiritual Accompaniment, spoke of the service of the Rector of the religious community. In the context of increasingly participatory and synodal animation, a discernment activity is planned for the second day in relation to the Provincial Chapter, held at the end of May. The day will end with a meeting with the Provincial and lunch.
SOURCE: Salesian Communication Chile
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