Argentina – Provincial Chapter of Argentina South "Passionate about Jesus Christ, Dedicated to the Youth"
Buenos Aires, Argentina – June 2024 – From June 10 to 13, the Salesians of the Province of Argentina South (ARS) celebrated their V Provincial Chapter at the La Montonera retreat house in Pilar, Buenos Aires. Convened by ARS Provincial Fr. Darío Perera, SDB, these were days of work and reflection on the theme of GC29 and its three core themes. In the event moderated by the Vice Provincial, Fr. Osvaldo Braccia, SDB both Salesians, and laity participated with great enthusiasm. On this occasion, the preparatory committee had choses the method of spiritual dialogue, a methodology currently used by the Church in this time of synodality. The Moderator presented the regulations and methodology to the participants, after which the first of the three day-session began. On the final day, Fr. José García Arias, SDB, was elected as the Provincial delegate to GC29 to accompany Fr. Perera, and Fr. Jorge Ledesma was elected as his substitute. In concluding the Chapter, Fr. Perera thanked the participants thus: "One beautiful aspect of our Province is the strong youth participation. I usually participate in various youth meetings that are animated by the young people who are also Animators in Schools. I also see strong youth participation in the governing bodies of the Salesian houses."
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