Mexico – Meeting of Rectors in the Salesian Province of Mexico City
Mexico City, Mexico – May 2024 - A Meeting of Rectors of the Mexico City-Mexico Province (MEM) was held, chaired by Fr Ignacio Ocampo Uribe, MEM Provincial and the Provincial Council on 7-8 May, at the premises of the Pastoral Formation Centre of the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians Parish. Participants prayed, shared moments of formation, analysis of the socio-political and cultural situation, including legal ones, in the light of the teaching of the Church, of the mission and of Salesian pastoral education. They analysed the areas of formation and orientation of beneficiaries in the different environments, from the perspective of the Church's social doctrine; Salesian youth ministry and Christian human values, so that each can exercise Don Bosco's ideal of Christian identity and upright and committed citizenship autonomously but with a sense of community. The need to respond to current challenges was shared with concrete initiatives enlightened by hope, based on Christian and civil principles, respectful of the human being, their processes and development, rights and concrete responses and allowed by a critical but at the same time proactive analysis, which highlights faith in Jesus.
- Mexico – The Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio visits Casa Zatti
- Mexico – Visit of the Vicar of the Rector Major to MEM Province
- Mexico - 9th National Meeting of School Principals of the Salesians and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
- Mexico – Meeting of the Agents of Youth Pastoral Care of the works of the Salesian Province of Mexico City-Mexico
- Mexico – First Profession ceremony for 11 novices from three Salesian circumscriptions
- Mexico – The 2024 Pilgrimage of the Salesian Family in Mexico South to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Mexico – The Salesian Family in Puebla experience a joyful Feast of Mary Help of Christians
- Mexico - A week dedicated to the Formation of the Formators 2024
- Mexico - Retreat: "Educators and Pastors for young people in today's world
- Mexico - Meeting of parents of pupils from the Salesian Schools Network in Mexico: "Salesian Families in Action for Education"
- Mexico - Camp Juanitos 2023, MEM Province "We are the bearers of a dream"
- Mexico - The arrival of young people from the International Volunteer Service from the Salesian Province of Ecuador
- Mexico - Fr Gabriel Romero on an Extraordinary Visitation to the Interprovincial Theologate in Tlaquepaque
- Mexico – "Campo Bosco" 2023 in view of the bicentenary of the Dream at nine years of age
- Mexico - Formation meeting for the rectors of Salesian works in the MEM Province